Articles in English

Here you’ll find all our English language articles. We feature opinions, interviews, discussions and summaries on current trends and topics in science communication. If you have questions or would like to contribute, please contact the editorial team: If you would like to find out more, please visit our About Us page.

28. Februar 2022 von

„A complex mixture of different resources and experiences“

A British-German collaboration within the project RETHINK focused on education and training in science communication. Clare Wilkinson and Birte Fähnrich talk about the role of informal education and digital transformation as well as the competence model and training resources they developed. 

11. Februar 2022 von

How a neuroscientist and her dog are breaking down barriers to science

The Twitter profile “Sampson the Service Dog” shows a golden retriever in a lab coat wearing safety goggles. Owner Joey Ramp explains in the interview why the account is about more than cute dog content and how she tries to make science and academia more accessible for people with disabilities.

27. Januar 2022 von

“We are focused on widening the scope”

Participedia is a global knowledge sharing platform for everyone interested in democratic innovations. Project manager Paul Emiljanowicz talks about its purpose, challenges to participation and why research on democratic practices has to move away from its Western-centric angle.

3. Dezember 2021 von

„Lots of people have the idea that science is not for them“

Why is it important to understand science in one’s  own language? The South African science communicator Sibusiso Biyela explains that communicating in one’s mother tongue leads to more trust and acceptance with regard to scientific topics. 

30. April 2021 von

Im Profil: Nadia Dmitrieva

Nadia Dmitrieva is a Russian geologist who became a journalist and is now working as a Press Information Officer at a Physics Institute in Novosibirsk. In her job profile she gives insights on how she got into science communication and which obstacles she has to deal with in communication.

23. Februar 2021 von

Im Profil: Siobhan Roberts

The Canadian author and science journalist Siobhan Roberts found her way into communication through math. In her job profile she explains the challenges she had to overcome and notes, that it is a compelling goal for science journalists, science communicators and scientists alike to cultivate trustworthiness.

3. Februar 2021 von

„More needs to be done“

How does the corona pandemic affect trust in science in European countries? A paper gives insights into recent surveys from Sweden, Germany, Ireland and Italy. Co-author Cissi Askwall speaks about the numbers, the debate in Sweden, and why the paper advocates for a more dialogue-oriented science communication.

4. Dezember 2020 von

“Inoculating people against being manipulated will be crucial”

What are the main approaches to win the fight against misinformation? And how do the fact-checking methods applied by social media platforms affect the actual spread of conspiracy myths? Stephan Lewandowsky, professor of cognitive science at the University of Bristol, gives an insight into current research on trust in science and why it is essential […]

10. Juni 2020 von

Covid-19 media coverage: An international perspective

How did journalists around the world react to the pandemic? Cristina González Ros asked media, communication and social scientists from Italy, Spain and the United States how they perceived the media coverage in their home countries, about the challenges that journalism is facing, and the role of social media.

9. Juni 2020 von

“The claim ‘listen to the science’ could backfire”

Has public trust in scientists, polititians and other professional groups changed during the pandemic? And are these trends internationally consistent? Gustav Bohlin, researcher at Vetenskap & Allmänhet, gives an insight into new studies on citizens’ perception in Sweden — a country that took a very different approach to contain the virus.

22. November 2019 von Gastbeitrag

Science Barometer 2019: The Bigger Picture

The latest round of the Science Barometer allays concerns about the decline of scientists’ authority in German society. This is in line with the findings from most of the surveys assessing public opinions about science worldwide, says social psychologist Martin W. Bauer.
Broschüre des Wissenschaftsbarometers 2019

1. November 2019 von

Overcoming the language barrier

How can the debate around climate science become more inclusive? For Climanosco, the answer lies in the language. That’s why the organisation publishes papers that have been reviewed by teams of scientists and laypeople. Founder Michel Bourqui explains the concept and the vision behind it. 

9. Oktober 2019 von

“We had a variety of posts ready to be shared”

Are trees the best weapon against climate change? This question was widely debated after a study by the Crowther Lab at ETH Zürich was published. Managing Director Thomas Elliott reflects in this interview on the practice of science communication, the preparations for the study and the public’s reactions.

17. Juli 2019 von

Making Sense of Science for Policy

Social challenges aren’t easy to tackle. In this regard Science Advice for Policy is very important. In its most recent Evidence Review Report ‘Making sense of science for policy’ SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) looks at the empirical evidence and academic material on the relationship between science and policy.