
20. September 2023 von

Barriers of Climate Communication

What factors prevent junior climate scientists from becoming active in science communication? In this interview, Christel van Eck talks about five main barriers climate scientists have to face and what needs to be done to overcome them.

18. Juli 2023 von

“The language diversity in India presents a complex challenge”

The „Superheroes against Superbugs“ project aims to raise awareness of the urgent global health threat posed by microorganisms that are resistant to the effects of antimicrobial drugs. Project leader Sarah Iqbal talks about why the problem is particularly urgent in India and how science communication in India has developed over the last five years.

10. November 2022 von

“Engaging people in this discussion will increase trust”

Why should citizens evaluate ethical decisions made by autonomous vehicles? An interview with Edmond Awad about six years „Moral Machine“ and the benefits of public engagement and gamification to foster trust in artificial intelligence.

4. Oktober 2017 von

Babylon ist überall: Schlüsselbegriffe einer SciComology

Wissenschaftskommunikation ist ein schillernder Begriff. Wer was damit meint unterscheidet sich teils erheblich. Stefan Bauernschmidt versucht in seinem Gastbeitrag Licht ins Dickicht dieses Begriffsdschungels zu bringen und zentrale Begrifflichkeiten zu unterscheiden.

22. Mai 2017 von

Scicomm Summer 2017

Wo geht die Reise hin und was gibt es dort zu sehen und erleben? Wir haben für Ihren Wissenschaftskommunikationssommer Angebote zusammengetragen.